Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Touch a TEACHER, go to jail!!!" I almost went that way!!!

Well on Halloween I had on my devil costume!! Boy did the devil come out. I was soooooooo irritated with one of my co-workes that I almost put my hands on her. This is the story. I have been working in this district since I graduated from there in 2002. On my breaks, I would come back an substitute. After I graduated from UAPB, I was the In School Suspension Administrator for Special Education. I took on the job of yearbook sponsor. My principal told me to do all of my interrupting classes during 8th period because it was like a study hall for all students. I knocked on the door, said "Excuxe me, may I see........" and this woman told me "No you may not, please leave." Now I was overwhelmed. This lady was so rude. I told her that we needed to have a conference and she was still getting smart. I have to be the most professional person in the world because I did not go off on her in front of the students. I waited until that bell rang and I went over there, I had tears in my eyes and she got scared. She apologized and I accepted. I thought that was the end of our little turmoil. Two years later here we are again.........We are senior sponsors and we are supposed to work together. I wrote a memo to the sponsors stating that I would like to meet with them to discuss ideas for the year so that we can be prepared in front of the students. I got the memo back and it said that "I have scheduled a meeting in my room." I sent another memo apologizing that I didn't make myself clear. I stated that I want to be professional and I don't want to go in front of the students unprepared. I went to this lady's room and she stated that she was in charge and we were going to do things her way. I politely walked out and asked my principal if she gave her that power becasue I was not going to work with anyone like that. My principal talked to her and she changed. We were working together. Until last week!!!! We don't have a common conference period or lunch and the only time that the three of us can meet is after school. She had been missing for America's Choice and I had missed becasue I was sick. I wrote a note to the sponsors on October 28th asking if we could meet that evening and have a senior meeting on the morning of the 29th. I made a committee sign up sheet for all of the activities that the seniors will be doing during the year. I don't believe in doing the work. I put it in the students' hands. If it doesn't get done, they can only blame themselves. Sponsors should be there to guide and approve activities. So I went to her after school and tried to meet with her. I tried to present her my ideas and she shot them down. She said, "If we don't do it like this, then we're not meeting." I said then we won't meet and I walked off. I went into the other sponsor's classroom because I was with a student and he wanted to know his math grade and any work that he has missed. She comes about a minute later and told him, "I told her that we were going to do it like this." I told her that I was not discussing that and she made the decision not to have a meeting. I told her that I was through and she can have it and I walked off. I went to my mother first and told her that I was about to go off on that old lady and she didn't know what I was capable of doing. When the principal came in (my mother is her secretary) I told her and she told me to go ahead with the meeting because she would be there. I did and the meeting went fine!!! The kids enjoyed themselves and got a lot accomplished. This lady did not come to school on the 30th, but returned on Halloween. I was walking down the hall and I smiled and spoke to her. She asked to speak with me and she tried to go off on me in front of students. She said, "A. I really want to work with you. B. I don't need you talking behind my back because it gets back to me. and C. If I say that I don't feel good about something, then we need to discuss it." I looked at her (Now my ghetto is about to come out.) I told her, "Let me walk off from you before I go off on you." She said something else smart and walked into her room. I walked behind her and I was about to get her. One of my first period students said, "Gone Miss Alicia!!" After she called my name and I looked in her face, I remembered that I was Miss Thomas and not Alicia. I went to my room and my kids saw me mad. I was crying because I wanted to get her. I didn't care if she was old, she disrespected me in front of students. She was very unprofessional. I left my 1st period class and went to the office. My principal was not there so I spoke with the Curriculum Coordinator. I told him that it is her or me. I can't work with her. Nobody on staff likes her. She is crazy, old and needs to retire. I am not the one. I continued to tell him that I have been doing all of the work by myself and I don't have a problem with that. I am a single parent, go to school, and work full time. I will gladly give this up and she can have it. The students don't want me to leave. They want to get rid of her. It doesn't matter. As Donna said in the summer, "Touch a kid, go to jail!!" It was different for me, "Touch a teacher, go to jail!!!" becasue I almost went that way!!!! (Jail)

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